We offer a wide range of services
Data Science
Hardware development
Design and development of hardware for specific needs. Development of compact systems for biosignal measurement.
Movement kinematics
Recording, processing and evaluation of motion kinematics from camera, accelerometer and other systems.
Biomedical data
Recording, processing and evaluation of various biomedical data, including ECG, EMG, EEG, EDA, RSP.
Software development
Design and development of biomedical software for e.g. assistive devices or advanced data analysis and collection.
Force and moment effects
Recording, processing and evaluation of force and moment effects, for example by strain gauge systems.
Assistive devices
Design and development of mechanical parts of assistive tools (SolidWorks, Fusion360, MatLab, Julia and others).
Biomedical data
Recording, processing and evaluation of various biomedical data, including ECG, EMG, EEG, EDA, RSP.
Assistive devices
Design and development of mechanical parts of assistive tools (SolidWorks, Fusion360, MatLab, Julia and others)